Looking for concentrated butter? This is a key ingredient used in industrial baking, confectionaries, and commercial kitchens in hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Concentrated butter is rich and tasteful, with a high yield and a long shelf life. It is used by professional chefs and cooks all over the world, it comes with a ton of plusses, such as intense flavor, denser textures, and high smoke point, which means that it is ideal for high-heat cooking. Unlike regular butter, concentrated butter isn’t as readily available in supermarkets as regular butter. Still, you can easily order yours from Puri Pangan Utama and have it delivered directly to your doorstep anywhere in Read More
Bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, roti bukanlah sumber karbohidrat yang utama, melainkan nasi atau mie. Artinya, roti dinilai sebagai produk kuliner yang mementingkan kenikmatan rasa dan aroma sebagai tolak ukur kualitas.
Consumer interest in bread, pastries and cakes continued to increase in the recent years, especially among consumers in Indonesia’s larger cities. Flourishing on the back of the rising middle class, increasing disposable incomes amongst youth, and growth of urban lifestylers, the demand for practical and convenient items such as baked goods have been on a high.