When it comes to white rice, Jasmine and Basmati variants are some of the first names that come to mind.
They are most commonly found as the base ingredients for culinary dishes from the Middle East and India.
Both rice is known for their distinct aroma due to the chemical compound inside them. (more…)
Memilih dan menyimpan beras tidaklah semudah yang dibayangkan, apabila salah menaruh tempat penyimpangan bisa mengurangi kualitas dari beras itu. Begitu juga memilih beras berkualitas tidak hanya berdasarkan harga dari beras tersebut saja. Di bawah ini, kami akan mengulas mengenai kualitas beras menurut Standar Nasional Indonesia, tips memilih beras, dan cara menyimpannya. (more…)
Have you ever cooked rice and got disappointed at the end result? Have you been rinsing your rice once or not at all? Did you let it rest?
As a leading food supplier in Bali, Puri Pangan Utama is here to make sure you never settle for mushy rice again. (more…)