Here in Bali, processed foods and frozen foods like meatballs, fishballs, dim sum, sausages, and instant noodles are incredibly popular.
The Butter Cake is a quintessential favourite, a must for tea time, a celebration, a birthday, or a leisurely gathering. It is light, fluffy, delicious, and versatile – great on its own, layered, plain, or with frosting! (more…)
There’s something warm and cosy about a delicious, hot bowl of Noodle Soup that’s fresh off the stove, don’t you agree? It’s the perfect comfort food for a rainy day, a cloudy afternoon or on a cool night when you’re just looking to relax and unwind after a long week. (more…)
Mengatasi masalah pada anak memang tidak ada habisnya, mulai dari kegiatan sehari-hari seperti makan, bermain, belajar dan bermacam-macam kegiatan lainnya. Bagi para orang tua tentu saja hal ini sudah menjadi tanggungjawab dalam mengasuh buah hati. Tapi hal yang paling menjadi momok dalam mengasuh anak adalah ketika buah hati mengalami fase susah makan. (more…)
Making your own meals is always a good idea – it’s healthier, cleaner and you can experiment and get as creative as you like! Plus, you’ll know exactly what goes into every spoonful, which is good news for you and your family. One great way to get a little bit more creative with your homemade meals is to explore cooking with sauerkraut. Have you tried using sauerkraut in your cooking before? (more…)