Are you a fan of edamame? You’ve probably enjoyed this tasty and satisfying bean dish alongside a Japanese meal. It’s a popular appetizer in Japanese restaurants – a bowl of warm, freshly boiled and lightly salted edamame served in their pods before the main course or in a salad. It’s delicious and nutritious, a favorite with vegans and vegetarians. It’s also versatile and can add an extra texture and a layer of flavor to your favorite dish. (more…)
Kesehatan jantung adalah aspek penting dalam menjaga kualitas hidup yang baik. Salah satu cara untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung adalah melalui pola makan yang tepat seperti Diet DASH.
This year’s Valentine’s may still not be as glitzy or as glamorous as we’d hoped it would be, but a little love and some extra effort can really make this day extra special. (more…)
When it comes to food, Indonesia is definitely one of the world’s best. The tasty and diverse dishes that we can never get enough of.
And while we all love the country’s timeless gourmet classics like Beef Rendang, Crispy Duck, and Babi Guling, Indonesian street food is the true star of the show. These are delicious and satisfying favourites to delight both the palate and the tummy. (more…)
Mention “Japanese food” and the first thing that comes to mind is sushi. Whether you prefer your sushi cooked or raw, eating sushi is a wonderful and flavourful experience. If you love sushi, then perhaps you’d like to try making it at home? (more…)