Research reveals more and more benefits of this rich oil every day.
In fact, it is believed that this is only the beginning of discovering the countless ways olive oil can improve our health and wellbeing. It is an essential ingredient in all Mediterranean diets – the world’s longest living culture. (more…)
In our previous blog post, we discussed the importance of food sustainability. Food sustainability will benefit your hotel or restaurant long term as you continue to meet customers’ demands, support local communities, reduce operating costs and build relationships while reducing health and environmental risks. (more…)
It is important for every hotel to work with and implement sustainable food policies. Aside to being a very popular current trend, sourcing and serving sustainable foods would not only mean that you are meeting customers’ expectations and demand, it would also bring plenty of benefits to your hotel or restaurant. Customers grow more and more wary in terms of food production and its source; many would prefer dining on sustainable and local foods whether in hotels or restaurants, which is seen as benefiting the local community and no longer focus on the dining experience alone.
Do you consider yourself a foodie or perhaps a foodie at heart? If so, then you’ll probably be keen on learning about one of the most popular food eaten around the world—sausage. There are many types of sausages and each one is very different from the other. So, next time you need to go out and buy some, consider taking a peek at this guide to help you decide which one to get.
Various Categories We Practice
One thing to note is that they are all vastly different. And while sausages in general are ground meat stuffed into a casing, the procedure on how they’re prepared is Read More
Food plays an important part in our daily lives and we spend a great deal of each day deciding what and where to eat. Hotels and restaurants are always offering promotions to attract customers to eat their property. If you own a F&B outlet, you will know you have to spend quite a bit of time communicating to your supplier and making sure the food supplied meets the safety and health standards. Having to choose the right food supplier for your hotels and restaurants can be a taxing decision if you are not well-informed. (more…)