Who doesn’t love cakes and cookies? It is no surprise these desserts are everyone’s all-time favorites. Led by our in-house pastry chef, Ary Saputra, Puri Pangan Utama conducted an event demo with Bakels on April 18th, 2019 at Lais Abadi, based in Jl Drupadi, Renon, Denpasar, showcasing various delicious cookies and cakes.
As one of the most staple foods throughout Europe, good bread can be found wherever you go in Europe.
Thus it is no surprise that European bread has constantly been in high demand in various hotels, restaurants, and bakeries all over Bali. (more…)
Ketertarikan konsumen terhadap roti, kue kering, dan bolu kian meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, terutama di kalangan konsumen di kota besar di Indonesia. Perkembangan taraf kehidupan kelas menengah, peningkatkan pendapatan kalangan kaum muda, dan berkembangnya gaya hidup perkotaan, mendorong permintaan makanan praktis termasuk berbagai macam roti dan kue.
Consumer interest in bread, pastries and cakes continued to increase in the recent years, especially among consumers in Indonesia’s larger cities. Flourishing on the back of the rising middle class, increasing disposable incomes amongst youth, and growth of urban lifestylers, the demand for practical and convenient items such as baked goods have been on a high.