Studies have found that vegetables and fruits that are frozen may actually be healthier and contain vitamins as well as antioxidants that make them better than fresh produce at fighting cancer. The two studies, which were carried out independently of each other, found more nutrients beneficial to the body in a wide variety of frozen food such as fruits and vegetables, including blueberries, carrots, broccoli and more.
Out of every three cases, two found that frozen veggies and fruits scored way better than their fresh counterparts in a wide variety of antioxidant-type compounds that included anthocyanins, beta-carotene, vitamin C, Lutein and Polyphenols. Consuming these compounds prevents cancer and also helps in supporting the function of the eyes, skin, brain and body.
When you purchase food from the grocery supermarket, you will usually find a section full of crunchy and colorful produce. The supermarket sprays fine mist over the produce to ensure it looks freshly picked. This is the only theater to coax more money out of your pocket. Usually, this produce has been in storage for a while, even a month, and then you take it home for several more days before eating it. The longer it stays, the more it loses nutrients.
Frozen food, on the other hand, is harvested and then chilled immediately or a short time later. This means that more of the antioxidants and vitamins are retained and consumed when you eat them. The two studies were carried out by teams from the University of Chester and Leatherhead Food Research. They carried out forty different tests which measured the level of nutrients in the produce after they had been sitting in the refrigerator for 3 days versus their frozen counterparts.
The very best option, it found, is to eat fruit and veggies that are freshly picked. This was followed by frozen foods, which is much better than what is sold under the term, ‘fresh’. The Leatherhead team found that there was more lutein, vitamin C, and 4 times more beta-carotene in frozen broccoli than in ‘fresh’ broccoli from the supermarket. It was found though that fresh produce had more polyphenols which are said to fight cancer. Carrots that were frozen had double the amount of beta-Carotene and 3 times the amount of lutein. Additionally, they had more polyphenols and vitamin C.
Frozen sprouts do better when measured for all nutrients. Frozen blueberries as well as green beans were found to have higher levels of polyphenols and Vitamin C. Frozen blueberries also had more anthocyanins and polyphenols.
We need to be careful when we are about to decide whether to buy frozen vegetables or fresh vegetables. But how do you find trustworthy frozen food supplier? Puri Pangan Utama, a frozen food supplier based in Bali, provides frozen vegetables that are stored immediately under controlled temperature in order to retain more of the antioxidants and vitamins. Check out our frozen vegetable products here.
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