The meat industry, as one could probably imagine, is quite a tricky trade. There are many rules and regulations set in place to ensure that the production and handling of the products are up to standard. However, while federal regulations overseen by government inspectors are there to verify that the poultry and meat processing are compliant, it is also important that you, the buyer, also do your fair share in being knowledgeable and vigilant to check that the meat and poultry that you’re buying and consuming maintains a high level of safety as it makes its way onto your plate.
Here are some safety instructions that you should consider at home:
Purchasing Meat and Poultry Products:
- It is important to purchase fresh meat and poultry last instead of putting them in your cart first since they will immediately begin to thaw out once taken out of the freezer section.
- If the fresh products you are about to purchase feel warm when you touch them, they have been stored at the wrong temperature. Always purchase those that are cold to the touch.
- Ensure that your products are placed in plastic bags to contain the juices and prevent them from coming into contact with other raw products in your cart.
- The packages you select should not have tears or show signs of leakage. If there is excessive liquid, put it back, as this is a clear sign that indicates excessive storage or abuse of temperature. If the product has been vacuum sealed, make sure that the seal is intact.
- Look at the date on the pack. If you buy a product on or within a couple of days of the sell-by date, freeze the products immediately.
Storing Meat and Poultry Products
- Keep your fridge at 40ᵒF or below to prevent the growth of bacteria
- Freeze or refrigerate the products soon after purchase. If it will take more than half an hour before you can store them properly, keep them in a cooler.
- Unless you will be eating the products in within 7 days, it’s best that you take them out of its original packaging and re-wrap them in plastic bags or freezer paper before freezing them.
- If you will be putting the products in the refrigerator, put them in the coldest part of the refrigerator or in the meat compartment.
- Make sure meat or poultry juices are contained by putting the products in a storage container made of plastic or on a tray.
- When defrosting your products, keep them cold and not at room temperature to prevent bacteria growth.
- If you defrost using the microwave, cook the product immediately after. When defrosting with a microwave, some parts can start cooking and this can lead to a rise in temperature that is ideal for harmful bacteria to thrive in.
- If you will be using cold water to defrost your meat and poultry, keep the original packaging on. It is important that the packaging is leak-proof when fully submerging the product in cold water. The water should be changed every half hour.
More preparation tips in part 2 of this article.
Now that we’ve covered the basics on purchasing, storing, and preparing meat and poultry products, it’s now on to where you can get the best quality items. And these days, it’s not just in-store! Technology has definitely evolved and it’s even invaded the world of meat and poultry products. If you’re looking to order meat and poultry products with ease and convenience, you’ll be thrilled to know that it’s just one click away! You can now order your meat and poultry products online from Puri Pangan Utama, a reputable food supplier in Bali. Follow the link to take a look at our available meat and poultry products.