Memilih supplier bahan masakan untuk hotel, restoran, kafe, atau bisnis kamu lainnya adalah langkah utama untuk memastikan kualitas produk dan kepuasan pelanggan tetap terjaga. Keputusan yang tepat dalam memilih supplier akan mendukung kelancaran operasional sekaligus menjaga reputasi baik bisnismu.
Berikut adalah beberapa hal sederhana yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk membantu memilih supplier bahan masakan yang cocok.
Apa Saja yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan dalam Memilih Supplier Bahan Masakan
1. Reputasi yang Terpercaya
Carilah supplier yang sudah dikenal baik oleh pelanggan lain. Kamu bisa melihat testimoni di media sosial, situs web mereka, atau bertanya kepada pebisnis kuliner lainnya.
Supplier yang terpercaya biasanya konsisten dalam menyediakan bahan masakan berkualitas.
2. Kualitas Bahan Masakan
Pastikan bahan yang ditawarkan segar dan berkualitas. Kamu Read More
Manajemen stok restoran, cafe, warung makan, dan sejenisnya adalah hal yang penting untuk memastikan bisnis berjalan lancar; tidak ada bahan yang terbuang dan keuntungan tetap maksimal. Kalau stok tidak dikelola dengan baik, bisa-bisa bahan makanan kedaluwarsa atau malah habis saat dibutuhkan.
Supaya tidak terjadi, penting bagi restoran untuk menerapkan manajemen stok restoran yang baik. Yuk, ikuti beberapa langkah mudah berikut ini!
1. Pisahkan Stok Berdasarkan Kategori
Pertama, kita perlu memisahkan stok bahan makanan berdasarkan kategori. Misalnya:
- Bahan makanan
- Bahan minuman
- Alat makan
Selain itu, atur tempat penyimpanannya sesuai jenisnya:
- Bahan segar (fresh) di kulkas
- Bahan beku (frozen) di freezer
- Bahan kering (dry) di rak khusus
Cara ini memudahkan kita mencari barang yang dibutuhkan dan menjaga stok Read More
The New Year is a time of fresh beginnings, and adopting a healthier lifestyle often tops the list of resolutions. Crafting a practical and sustainable new year resolution diet is key to achieving long-term success.
By focusing on nutrient-rich foods, mindful eating, and realistic goals, you can create lasting healthy habits that transform your life.
Kickstart Your Health Journey: New Year Resolution Diet Tips
Starting your year on a healthy note doesn’t have to mean drastic changes. Focus on small, manageable goals such as:
- Incorporating one new healthy ingredient into your meals weekly.
- Swapping refined grains with whole grains like red rice.
- Adding alternative snacks like granola to your routine.
Create a Healthy Meal Plan
Meal Read More
Mastering food calculation for catering is key to achieving success, as it ensures every guest is satisfied while minimizing waste and controlling costs. From grand weddings to casual business luncheons, accurate portioning plays a vital role in client satisfaction and profitability.
Mastering food calculation for catering also simplifies your process, helping you stay cost-efficient while delivering exceptional customer service. With the right approach, you can ensure your catering business thrives by balancing quality and budget effectively.
Mastering Food Calculation for Catering: Event Types & Portioning
In the early stage of planning, we should have this information to start with. The type of event plays a crucial role in determining portion sizes and Read More
Okra is a distinctive vegetable that stands out for its soft, slightly slimy texture and bright green hue. Known for its mild, somewhat grassy flavor, okra is enjoyed across various cuisines around the world, especially in soups, stews, and stir-fries.
This versatile ingredient isn’t just delicious—it’s loaded with nutritional benefits, too, making it an excellent addition to any diet.
At Puri Pangan Utama, we offer fresh, high-quality okra so you can explore its benefits and delicious recipes for yourself.
What is Okra? Is it a Fruit or Vegetable?
Botanically, okra is a fruit, though it’s commonly prepared and consumed as a vegetable. Okra’s mucilage—the sticky substance inside—is what gives it its Read More