Think of the last time you had a decent plate of sirloin steak. The texture, the aroma and the savory taste as you bite down on the meat – well you get the picture, we all love a good plate of steak. With New Year’s just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to learn or refine your cooking skills for the perfect pan-seared sirloin steak.
It’s almost that time of the year! Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. It’s a time of joy, celebration, and congregation with our loved ones. As the host, one of the best ways to welcome your guests is by impressing them with one of your homemade cooking! As a starter, the iconic potted salmon is an excellent choice to serve for your guests – not to mention healthy and fits the holiday season just right.
Masyarakat Indonesia tentu sudah akrab dengan daging sapi dan ratusan resep yang dapat dibuat dari berbagai macam potongan daging sapi. Beberapa potongan yang paling sering dikonsumsi adalah buntut, iga, lidah, dan potongan dengan sebutan sekedar ‘daging’ yaitu dari bagian paha, perut, punggung dan punuk.
Hampir setiap orang sudah mengenali flaxseed, yaitu biji-bijian eksotis yang terkemuka di dunia sebagai superfood baru dengan ratusan manfaat kesehatan. Konon flaxseed telah ditanami oleh manusia sejak 300.000 tahun yang lalu, di tempat lahir peradaban pertama di dunia. Namun baru belakangan ini para ahli analis pangan di seluruh dunia telah menyadari potensi kesehatan yang ada di biji kecoklatan ini yang berbentuk seperti versi mungilnya biji matahari.
If you’ve ever dined at a Japanese restaurant, chances are you’ve probably seen Chicken Katsu on the menu; or perhaps even ordered it yourself. Chicken katsu, which is derived from the Japanese term katsuretsu, translates directly to the chicken cutlet. Though originally a Japanese dish, Chicken Katsu is now a popular dish that is served in all parts of the world. In fact, there are plenty of homemade recipes for Chicken Katsu due to how relatively easy it is to make. We will be sharing our own take of the famous Chicken Katsu in this article.