One of the dangers of mishandling meat products is that there are many different types of harmful bacteria that could thrive in it. That’s why it’s very important to know the basics when it comes to meat safety as each type of meat has its own set of rules on how to properly handle and store. By educating ourselves and our staff, we never fail to provide top quality meat. (more…)
Jika Anda bergerak dalam industri bakeri atau gemar membuat kue, Anda pasti tidak asing dengan ragi instan. Ya, ragi instan adalah satu dari bahan-bahan yang paling sering digunakan untuk membuat kue. Mengapa? Fungsi utama ragi instan adalah sebagai pengembang kue atau roti, dan adonan pengembang dalam kue atau roti sangat penting demi kesuksesan dan cita rasa roti yang dihasilkannya. (more…)
Flax seed (Biji Rami) telah dikonsumsi selama kurang lebih 6.000 tahun, bahkan mungkin merupakan panganan pertama di dunia yang dibudidayakan. Fakta-fakta tersebut tidak mengherankan karena flax seed memiliki sangat banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita. Misalnya, flax seed dapat miningkatkan sistem pencernaan, mencerahkan kulit, menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah, mengurangi keinginan mengkonsumsi gula, menyeimbangkan hormon, melawan kanker, membantu mengurangi berat badan, dan masih banyak lagi manfaat lainnya. (more…)
Do you consider yourself a foodie or perhaps a foodie at heart? If so, then you’ll probably be keen on learning about one of the most popular food eaten around the world—sausage. There are many types of sausages and each one is very different from the other. So, next time you need to go out and buy some, consider taking a peek at this guide to help you decide which one to get.
Various Categories We Practice
One thing to note is that they are all vastly different. And while sausages in general are ground meat stuffed into Read More
Last April on 5-8th 2017, Puri Pangan Utama collaborated with Blessing Fish (PT Prasetya Agung Cahaya Utama) in Food & Hotel Indonesia (FHI). As the country’s leading international food and hospitality event, Food & Hotel Indonesia attracted various key trade-only buyers from all sectors of the hospitality and retail industry. It is the perfect place to visit if you are on the hunt for food suppliers and distributors for your hotels and restaurants. In this article we will be sharing our best tips on what to expect from a Food Expo and how to best prepare as a Read More